
official info & trait guide!

welcome to glimmerwolves!

what is a glimmerwolf? a glimmerwolf is a mystical being that is half wolf/half horse. they come in three magical varieties, with each variety having its own set of skills, abilities, and habitats. glimmerwolf fur is said to glimmer in the sunlight, as if they were coated with glitter! the sparkles in their fur can be collected when they shed and are used in a handful of potion and spell recipes. glimmmerwolves enjoy anything they find sweet! they love adorning themselves with clothing and jewellery that fit their unique style.

glimmerwolf info & trait guide

jump to a section: I. glimmerwolf appearance | II. glimmerwolf varieties | III. ordinary vs. odd

I. glimmerwolf appearance

glimmerwolves have a fluffy, stocky build. the upper half of their body resembles that of a wolf while the lower half of their body resembles that of a horse. they have strong front paws and hooved back legs. they have a fluffy, dog-like tail and pointed, triangular ears. all glimmerwolves have a short mane with longer hair + bangs atop their head that partially covers their face. some glimmerwolves have long, visible claws on their front paws. glimmerwolves have star shaped sparkles in their eyes.

angelic glimmerwolves have only one horn atop their head and feathery, angel-like or bird-like wings on their back.

midnight glimmerwolves have two horns atop their head and leathery, bat-like or dragon-like wings on their back.

magic glimmerwolves have no horns or wings but instead have three magic wisps that float in front of their chest.

II. glimmerwolf varieties

there are three known varieties of glimmerwolf. they all share the same standard glimmerwolf body (fluffy fur, two front paws, and two back hooves) but have certain physical differences and abilities that set them apart from one another.

angelic type
angelic glimmerwolves have two feathered wings and a distinct horn on top of their heads, much like an alicorn. they are the most known and most common variety since they are generally friendly with other species and are not fearful towards strangers. they usually rule over certain things found in nature, such as rainbows, bodies of water, mushrooms, flowering plants, different types of weather, etc. angelic types are known to be protective and lend others a hand in times of need. they are very fond of anything that matches the area of nature that they rule over, which is why they are known to collect items that match something specific to them (for example, seashell themed items for an angelic type who rules over the ocean.)

midnight type
midnight glimmerwolves have leathery, bat-like wings and possess two horns atop their heads. they are nocturnal and dwell in dark places, such as caves or abandoned structures. midnight types are not as friendly as their angelic counterparts, preferring to either live alone or in small groups.they are skilled in the areas of creativity and enjoy making or playing music, creating art, writing and telling stories, etc. they possess the ability to shapeshift at will and are known for possessing a powerful and venomous bite! their intimidating presence alone is enough to strike fear into the hearts of other beings, but midnight types are as normal as any other glimmerwolf.

magic type
magic glimmerwolves don't possess wings and horns like their angelic and midnight countertypes. instead, magic types have three magic wisps that float near their chest. they are highly mysterious and not as easy to seek out as other glimmerwolves. they possess magical abilities that allow them to predict future events, interpret the stars, bestow luck upon others, and fulfill dreams and wishes. they have a knack for finding objects that are lost or hidden, and due to this they often present themselves to beings who are seeking out something. magic types possess a lot of power and they know it! they are very mischievous and often use their magic to trick others or teach them a lesson.

III. ordinary vs. odd

ordinary glimmerwolves fit the standard definition of a glimmerwolf have no sorts of mutations to their physical features. they are the most common type you will find.

odd glimmerwolves have altered physical appearances and may have different traits compared to their standard counterparts. for example, they may have shorter fur, different type of ears, different tail, altered wing shape, altered horn shape, etc.

however, there are certain limitations for mutations or alternate appearances within the types of glimmerwolf. they are listed as followed:

all types
- altered hairstyle
- shorter or longer fur
- altered fur type (ex: curly, choppy)
- altered ear type (ex: floppy, longer)
- altered tail
- extra eyes
- extra tails
- oddly shaped pupils

angelic type
- altered horn shape (cannot have more than one horn!)
- altered wing shape (must resemble feathered bird wings or angel wings, can also resemble fins)
- more than one pair of wings

midnight type
- altered horn shapes (cannot have more than three horns!)
- altered wing shape (must resemble bat or dragon wings, can also resemble bug wings)
- more than one pair of wings

magic type
- altered magic wisp shape (ex: flower shaped or eye shaped wisps)
- different magic wisp position (ex: wisps around tail or atop head)
- cannot have more than three magic wisps near body

ordinary glimmerwolf (unedited) vs. odd glimmerwolf (edited)

hybrid style glimmerwolves which exhibit traits from two types (ex: angelic type w/ magic wisps, midnight type w/ feathered wings, magic type w/ horns) are impossible and therefore not allowed.